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Sunday, October 17, 2010


Okay everyone...December is quickly approaching; like in a month and a half, so literally speaking, that's in 6 weeks.  Do you realize that because Christmas falls on a Saturday, there are only 3 available Saturday's in December that you can actually book for your holiday party?  Come to think about it, there are only 3 Friday's as well.  So, what are you waiting for?  No time to find a venue?  Or is it really because the thought of making mulitple calls to various venues makes you cringe?  Especially when most of the time the venues you call will either: 1) not meet your budget; 2) not accomodate the size of your group; or 3) not have availability? 

Well, wait no further!  Event Dining Connections is here to take that tedious task off your "to do list!"  Yes, we assist with finding a location for your event at NO COST TO YOU.  That's right everyone, absolutely no cost...zero, zip, ziltch.  So stop waiting around and leave the job to us.  You could be receiving information from locations that fit exactly what you're looking for.  Don't wait any longer; submit your holiday party information on our website at: www.eventdiningconnections.com/Request.html   10/17/10